Financial Mentoring and Advice to help you invest in Property!

Financial Mentoring and Advice to help you invest in Property!

Our team can help Mentor & Advise you on exciting property opportunities!


Strategies to help you buy Property with your Super!


Advice on transferring Business Real Property into an SMSF!


Help to structure your Loans to reduce interest and increase your tax deductions.


Alternative Property Investment Opportunities in A Grade Commercial Properties with long term lease contracts. Invest with as little as $10,000


Strategies to help you buy Property with your Super!


Advice on transferring Business Real Property into an SMSF!


Help to structure your Loans to reduce interest and increase your tax deductions.


Alternative Property Investment Opportunities in A Grade Commercial Properties with long term lease contracts. Invest with as little as $10,000

Residential Property

Fintor can help you take control and learn how to easily manage and implement these aspects of your finance to create a beneficial financial strategy to purchase your dream property.


Create a personalised financial strategy to purchase investment properties.


Learn how to structure your loans to create flexibility, interest savings and additional tax deductions


Help to create the right strategy to structure your personal and investment loans to maximise interest savings.


Help to structure your Self-Managed super strategy to purchase property correctly within super.

Residential Property

Fintor can help you take control and learn how to easily manage and implement these aspects of your finance to create a beneficial financial strategy to purchase your dream property.


Create a personalised financial strategies to purchase investment properties.


Learn how to structure your loans to create flexibility, interest savings and additional tax deductions


Help structure your personal and investment loans to maximise lending capabilities and interest savings.


Help to structure your Self-Managed super to purchase property correctly within super.

Business Real Property

 Fintor can help mentor and advise business owners on commercial property strategies that free up much needed capital and allow you to maintain or expand your business premises.


Strategies to help purchase Business Real Property in a SMSF


Strategies that consider purchasing Business Real Property on a 50/50 basis with your SMSF


Advice on how to transfer Business Real Property into your SMSF to reduce tax & increase the amount you can contribute into superannuation.


Advice on how your SMSF can purchase your Business Real Property to free up cash, whilst maintaining your Business real property.


Help to structure & refinance your loans to reduce interest and free up cash flow.

Commercial Property Investments

Fintor can help you take control and learn how to easily manage and implement these aspects of your finance to create a beneficial financial strategy to purchase your dream property.


Strategies to help purchase Business Real Property in a SMSF


Strategies that consider purchasing Business Real Property on a 50/50 basis with your SMSF


Advice on how to transfer Business Real Property into your SMSF to reduce tax & increase the amount you can contribute into superannuation.


Advice on how your SMSF can purchase your Business Real Property to free up cash, whilst maintaining your Business real property.


Help to structure & refinance your loans to reduce interest and free up cash flow.

Commercial Property Strategies

Fintor can help you invest in a range of funds which hold Direct and indirect Commercial properties. We’ve partnered with market leaders to make sure our friends get access to the most exciting opportunities!


Create a personalised strategy to accumulate wealth to purchase multiple direct and indirect property investments.


Provide access (when available) to fund which hold High Quality Commercial property with A grade or Australian Government Tenants.


Provide access to long term lease contracts with a net rental yield (after all expenses) of 5.00% plus per annum with annual CPI increases.


Advice on how to invest in alternative property investments with as little as $10,000.00

Business Real Property

Fintor can help you invest in a range of funds which hold Direct and indirect Commercial properties. We’ve partnered with market leaders to make sure our friends get access to the most exciting opportunities!


Create a personalised strategy to accumulate wealth to purchase multiple direct and indirect property investments.


Provide access (when available) to fund which hold High Quality Commercial property with A grade or Australian Government Tenants.


Provide access to long term lease contracts with a net rental yield (after all expenses) of 6.00% plus per annum with annual CPI increases.


Advice on how to invest in alternative property investments with as little as $10,000.00

Mobile Financial Advice !

Seeking Financial Advice
has never been this easy!

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Fintor works closely with RSM Lending to make sure our clients receive the best financial strategies to reduce their debt. 

Find a loan which suits you at an even better rate with RSM Lending!

Fintor works closely with RSM Lending to make sure our clients receive suitable financial strategies to reduce their debt. Through RSM Lending we make sure our customers get a suitable solution at an even better rate!

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