Financial Advice Designed to Create Wealth

For more information and a financial case study

Financial Advice Designed to Create Wealth

For more information and a financial case study

Our Aim

Our aim when constructing the strategies and advice is to make sure you remain informed, have a true understanding of the wealth strategy moving forward, and most importantly be able to understand the benefit of our advice in respect to the total cost. The advice can be tailored to singular strategies that meet specific needs and objectives or larger holistic goals.

What is Wealth Creation?

The Wealth Creation module of our advice designs a multitude of interlinking strategies which aim to take control, structure and optimize your financial situation to benefit taxation, lending capability, debt repayments, investment preferences, existing investments and any superannuation assets you may have. At its core Wealth Creation is about educating, identifying, and modelling tailored financial strategies that benefit your situation financially. Normally, great results can be achieved with little impact on the lifestyle you lead!

Our Aim

Our aim when constructing the strategies and advice is to make sure you remain informed, have a true understanding of the wealth strategy moving forward, and most importantly be able to understand the benefit of our advice in respect to the total cost. The advice can be tailored to singular strategies that meet specific needs and objectives or larger holistic goals.

What is Wealth Creation?

The Wealth Creation module of our advice designs a multitude of interlinking strategies which aim to take control, structure and optimize your financial situation to benefit taxation, lending capability, debt repayments, investment preferences, existing investments and any superannuation assets you may have. At its core Wealth Creation is about educating, identifying, and modelling tailored financial strategies that benefit your situation financially. Normally, great results can be achieved with little impact on the lifestyle you lead!

Knowledge is King when Investing!

Investing is a way to set aside money while you are busy with life and have that money work for you to create additional wealth

To properly invest you need to put your money to work in one or more types of investment vehicles to help grow your money over time. Fintors’ advice team starts this process by asking about your previous experience, knowledge of investments, the risks you have taken and what objectives you have.

“the process of laying out money now to receive more money in the future.”

Warren Buffet

Real life case studies to help you relate & learn the power of advice!


First Home Buyer accelerating her wealth


Investing, protecting and minimising tax to achieve his aspirations!

Kate & Matt

A family creating wealth & protecting their children!

Bob & Jill

Kids have left, they’re relaxed and ready to start new and exciting adventures!

Understanding how the power of financial guidance, coaching and advice can help you has never been easier and more affordable!

Real life case studies to help you relate & learn the power of advice!


First Home Buyer accelerating her wealth


Investing, protecting and minimising tax to achieve his aspirations!

Kate & Matt

A family creating wealth & protecting their children!

Bob & Jill

Kids have left, they’re relaxed and ready to start new and exciting adventures!

Understanding how the power of financial guidance, coaching and advice can help you has never been easier and more affordable!

Three things you need to consider when investing

Experience & Knowledge

RSM Financials’ advice team starts this process by asking about your previous experience, knowledge of investments, the risks you have taken and what objectives you have.


Knowing the timeframe that the monies will be invested for will help to determine which investments are right for you.

A general rule when investing is that conservative assets such as cash and fixed interest are appropriate for short term investment horizons. Growth assets have a high risk of reducing in value in a short period, but over long durations of time will normally outperform conservative assets.

Your Objective

Your objective or purpose for the Investment will determine the appropriate level of “risk” that is assumed by the portfolio that is recommended to you.

If you’re seeking a safe and fixed rate of return, the portfolio recommended will likely invest in a conservative manner. If your objective is to invest for a longer duration and you are willing to take additional risk to achieve heightened longer-term growth, a balanced, growth or high growth portfolio may be appropriate to your needs.

We also provide targeted Mentor Sessions!

 Our selective mentor and coaching programs can educate you on budgeting, structuring your loans, superannuation, SMSF’s, estate planning, gearing and debt recycling. Our aim is to give you the best chance of hitting your goals! 

We also provide targeted Mentor Sessions!

 Our selective mentor and coaching programs can educate you on budgeting, structuring your loans, superannuation, SMSF’s, estate planning, gearing and debt recycling. Our aim is to give you the best chance of hitting your goals! 


Diversification is a great asset which can help smooth the ride when experiencing the ups and downs of financial markets. Diversification achieves this by spreading your money across different asset classes which results in your portfolio minimising its exposure to an economic event that causes devaluations in an asset or sector that you’ve invested into.

Our advice takes diversification to another level!

Multiple avenues are available to diversify when investing and understanding the benefits and negatives of each is crucial for success when investing to meet your objectives and goals. The areas diversification will be explained by RSM Financial when recommending a portfolio which is tailored to you:

Asset Classes

Industry Sectors

Individual Assets, Business', or index's

Style of Investment

Professional Investment Managers


For more information on diversifying your investments, follow the link below:

Our advice takes diversification to another level!

Multiple avenues are available to diversify when investing and understanding the benefits and negatives of each is crucial for success when investing to meet your objectives and goals. The areas diversification will be explained by RSM Financial when recommending a portfolio which is tailored to you:

Asset Classes

Industry Sectors

Individual Assets, Business', or index's

Style of Investment

Investment Managers


For more information on diversifying your investments, follow the link below:

Investment Concepts

Compound Interest

Compound interest is your money working for you. You earn interest on the money you deposit, and in time you earn money on this interest. When you are earning interest on your interest – that’s compound interest, and it’s one of the most important principles of
investing and a great reason to start investing as early as possible.

Dollar Cost Averaging

Dollar cost averaging is simply the process of purchasing a particular asset or portfolio of investments at multiple point in an investment cycle. The strategy seeks to provide downside protection risk against purchasing 100% of the asset at the height of a market cycle. The protection is gained by purchasing throughout the market cycle which can potentially lower your average purchase price of the asset.


Gearing is commonly known as borrowing to invest, it is an investment strategy usually
considered by more experienced investors and those with a higher risk appetite. This is because, while gearing can increase the value of your portfolio faster than otherwise possible, it will also magnify your losses in a market downturn. It is important to seek advice around strategies to limit the risks associated.

For More information and a case study on how these investment concepts can be of benefit, please follow the link below.

Debt Recycling

RSM Financials believes Debt Recycling is not about borrowing more, but managing your debt effectively!

Debt Recycling in its simplest form is a strategy whereby if you repay $1.00 of your mortgage, you then borrow another $1.00 to invest. The $1.00 investment then earns income and growth. These earnings can then be re-invested to provide compounded returns or withdrawn and paid into your home loan as additional repayments.

Effectively, the strategy creates other income sources to help you reduce your personal debt faster and gain access to increased tax deductions. Debt Recycling converts the interest associated with your personal non-deductible debt into tax-deductible interest as the borrowings are now used for investment purposes.

Where most go wrong when implementing a Gearing or Debt Recycling strategy is they borrow more than they currently owe! They do this because they want to buy the investment all at once or have their heart set on an investment property that is most likely not appropriate to their financial position. This creates additional risk (borrowing) and has the potential to create additional stress and losses. If the dollar for dollar position is kept, the risk associated with the strategy is similar to that before the strategy started as you’re carrying the same risk (loans). It is important to note that a Debt Recycling strategy maintains the risk level (debt position) you hold today, until such a point that you choose to sell the investment portfolio. You must be comfortable with the amount you owe on your home today!

Debt Recycling also provides two very beneficial outcomes when the strategy is regularly reviewed, which are:

Debt Recycling also provides two very beneficial outcomes when the strategy is regularly reviewed, which are:

Compound Interest

Dollar-Cost Averaging

As the Debt Recycling process continues, the larger the investment will potentially become though continued regular investments, capital gains and income generated. If the dollar for dollar strategy is maintained, your loan balance should not increase, giving greater chance that the investment balance remains above that of the combined home and investment loans. The strategy as it continues creates a larger investment balance, thus more earnings potential and greater access to growth opportunities. As the growth and income increase, so do the repayments attributed to your mortgage, should you choose for dividends to be distributed into the home loan. The core purpose of Debt Recycling is to reduce your debt faster and more efficiently, whilst creating additional investments for lifestyle or retirement!

For more information and multiple case studies which demonstrate the power of seeking advice when contributing to super, click the following link:

Optimise Your Superannuation


If you would like enough money for a comfortable retirement, it is a good idea to spend some time learning about how superannuation is one of the most effective tools to Create Wealth.

Superannuation is such an effective tool, not because it invests, but because when used correctly it is the most tax-effective structure available to all Australians outside of their family home.

Superannuation should be viewed as a tax structure, not an investment!

This simple yet often forgotten piece of information will help you separate the performance of your investments within super from the superannuation as an investment vehicle as a whole.

Types Of Super Contributions



Include the 9.5% employer payment and any salary sacrifice or contribution which you claim for tax. The contribution is taxed at 15% and for most people, this will be lower than their marginal tax rate. You benefit because you pay less tax while you boost your retirement savings. A concessional contribution is capped at $25,000.00 per annum. An eligible person may be able to utilise the bring forward rule allowing to create further tax savings. Ask your adviser if you are eligible and for more details


Are payments made to your superannuation that you have already paid tax on or (Net Income). Eligible persons can make up to $100,000 in non-concessional contributions each financial year. Eligible persons may be entitled to use a bring forward rule to boost their superannuation significantly. Ask your adviser if you are eligible and for more details

Other Contributions

The Australian government allow eligible persons to contribute to superannuation in other forms which include the Downsizer contribution, Spouse contribution, Government Co-Contribution and Small business Retirement exemptions. Our advice will assess your eligibility to make these contributions and if they are of benefit. Ask your adviser if you are eligible and for more details

For More information and a case study on how these investment concepts can be of benefit, please follow the link below.

For more information and a financial case study