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Compare Your Insurance
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What our insurance tool let’s you compare!
Life Insurance
Total & Permanent Disability Cover (TPD)
Trauma Or Crisis Cover
Income Protection
Business Protection - Buy/Sell & Key Person
Optimise Your Insurance Cover
Financial Education Course
Fintor’s Insurance Optimisation course is designed to help you save and protect your financial future correctly!

Now Free – Normally $29.95
Lean to calculate you need for cover!
Truly understand what your need for certain types of insurance coverage and what aspects of your finances can reduce this need.

Now Free – Normally $29.95
The importance of each policy type
Fintor’s Insurance Optimisation course will clearly explain each type of insurance cover and the role it will play in protecting your financial future.

Now Free – Normally $29.95
Features, Benefits & Tax Minimisation
The course will explore the features and definitions that you need to look for to make sure claim time is easy and hassle-free. The course will also delve into easy tax minimisation strategies that you can use to reduce the cost of your protection.

Anonymously compare your Life, TPD, Trauma OR Income Protection Quote Here!
General Advice Warning & Legal Disclaimer
Information contained in this quoting software is of a general nature only. It does not constitute personal financial or taxation advice. The information does not take into account your objectives, needs and circumstances. We recommend that you obtain advice specific to your objectives, financial situation and particular needs before making any decision or acting on any of the information contained in this Quoting Software.