How to calculate your need for insurance!
Protect Your Financial Future With An Online Mentor!
We have built a proven advice process and education frame work to empower you with the knowledge you seek, whilst remaining an affordable investment in protecting your future

How to calculate your need for insurance!
Protect Your Financial Future With An Online Mentor!
We have built a proven advice process and education frame work to empower you with the knowledge you seek, whilst remaining an affordable investment in protecting your future!

We’re First and Foremost Financial Mentors!
Not just Financial Planners
We help our friends by mentoring and coaching them on all things financial so that they are best equipped to take charge and make real changes to their everyday lifestyle!
We’re all about making sure your tomorrow betters today!
We’re First and Foremost Financial Mentors!
Not just Financial Planners
We help our friends by mentoring and coaching them on all things financial so that they are best equipped to take charge and make real changes to their everyday lifestyle!
We’re all about making sure your tomorrow betters today!
Live & Interactive Coaching to help you
Select Suitable Insurance Cover to Protect Your Financial Future!

Your investment into our live and interactive insurance session will help you protect your financial future!
Only $29.95
How to Calculate your need for cover and assumptions you need to account for!
Selecting a suitable premium for your objectives
Detailed explanation of the Insurance definitions you want to know about!
Detail guidance on how to maximising the Tax Deductablility of your insurance!
Live & Interactive Coaching to help you
Select Suitable Insurance Cover to Protect Your Financial Future!

How to Calculate your need for cover and assumptions you need to account for!
Selecting a suitable premium for your objectives
Detailed explanation of the Insurance definitions you want to know about!
Detail guidance on how to maximising the Tax Deductablility of your insurance!
Your investment into our live and interactive insurance session will help you protect your financial future!
Only $29.95
Resources to help you calculate your need for insurance!
Insurance Comparison Software!
Our insurance comparison tool allows you to compare different providers and insurance policies.
Better yet, No Contact information will be asked to visualise your quote!
Free Online Calculator
Our calculator will help you work out your basic need for insurance. Calculating your need for insurance can be complex and our mentors can quickly and professionally analyse your need for cover
Detailed Live & Interactive Mentor Session
Our business provides weekly access to a live and interactive coaching session on how to professionally analyse your need for cover, reduce the cost and make sure you are aware of beneficial insurance defintions. !
Financial Provisions for which increase your need for insurance!

A major risk to any financial situation is the level of debt owed. The necessity to repay the entirety of the debt may not be required but is usually a good starting point. Our analysis will consider the purpose of the debt, the ability for the intended beneficiary(s) to afford loans repayments and the risk of that debt adversely affecting the beneficiary(s) ability to maintain the current lifestyle you all currently enjoy.

Future Lifestyle Expenses
To accurately assess the provisions made available to protect your expenditure, Fintor utilise the Kick Start Cashflow Management segment to investigate and identify your actual expenditure to establish a baseline need for cover. The recommendations will also detail protection for expenses that may eventuate in the event of a disability or death, like childcare or a live in nanny to provide support and allow the remaining income earner to continue work.

Medical Costs
n Australia we are lucky to be covered by a robust health system which covers most medical costs. However, there are many circumstances where your treatment will not be covered under the Australian Medicare system. Medicare does not cover medical and hospital costs incurred overseas, medical and hospital services that are considered not clinically necessary, or surgery solely for cosmetic reasons, ambulance services and emergency department administration fees. The system also provides no cover for most physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, eye therapy, chiropractic services, podiatry, psychology services, home nursing or hearing aids and other appliances. Substantial, out of pocket costs associated with Pharmaceutical needs can also arise where the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) may only pay part of the cost of the prescription medication.

Education Costs
Investing in your education is one of the best avenues you can take to create wealth and lift the financial standing of you family long term. However, investing in education can be a costly exercise, particularly when you have multiple children and the costs don’t cease if you were to become disabled or prematurely pass. The cost of educating your children, particularly in the early years would most likely increase as the need for extended childcare would become paramount.

Other Provissions
In the event of a major illness, disability or death there will undoubtable be costs that have not been considered, however, there are many costs that are normally present which are not catered for and can impact the financial security of your loved ones. Your analysis should consider provisions for time off work to grieve, time off work to recover – medically unsanctioned, Renovation costs, Funeral costs, Moving Costs and Taxation.
A major risk to any financial situation is the level of debt owed. The necessity to repay the entirety of the debt may not be required but is usually a good starting point. Our analysis will consider the purpose of the debt, the ability for the intended beneficiary(s) to afford loans repayments and the risk of that debt adversely affecting the beneficiary(s) ability to maintain the current lifestyle you all currently enjoy.

Future Lifestyle Expenses
To accurately assess the provisions made available to protect your expenditure, Fintor utilise the Kick Start Cashflow Management segment to investigate and identify your actual expenditure to establish a baseline need for cover. The recommendations will also detail protection for expenses that may eventuate in the event of a disability or death, like childcare or a live in nanny to provide support and allow the remaining income earner to continue work.
Medical Costs
n Australia we are lucky to be covered by a robust health system which covers most medical costs. However, there are many circumstances where your treatment will not be covered under the Australian Medicare system. Medicare does not cover medical and hospital costs incurred overseas, medical and hospital services that are considered not clinically necessary, or surgery solely for cosmetic reasons, ambulance services and emergency department administration fees. The system also provides no cover for most physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, eye therapy, chiropractic services, podiatry, psychology services, home nursing or hearing aids and other appliances. Substantial, out of pocket costs associated with Pharmaceutical needs can also arise where the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) may only pay part of the cost of the prescription medication.

Education Costs
Investing in your education is one of the best avenues you can take to create wealth and lift the financial standing of you family long term. However, investing in education can be a costly exercise, particularly when you have multiple children and the costs don’t cease if you were to become disabled or prematurely pass. The cost of educating your children, particularly in the early years would most likely increase as the need for extended childcare would become paramount.
Other Provissions
In the event of a major illness, disability or death there will undoubtable be costs that have not been considered, however, there are many costs that are normally present which are not catered for and can impact the financial security of your loved ones. Your analysis should consider provisions for time off work to grieve, time off work to recover – medically unsanctioned, Renovation costs, Funeral costs, Moving Costs and Taxation.

Calculate your need for insurance using our Free Tool.
Information contained in this insurance calculater is of a general nature only. It does not constitute financial or taxation advice. The information does not take into account your objectives, needs and circumstances. We recommend that you obtain advice specific to your objectives, financial situation and particular needs before making any decision or acting on any of the information contained in this Quoting Software.
Provisions that decrease your need for insurance!

Disposable Assets
When analysing your need for cover in the event of an illness, disability or death the assets you have available can be utilised to self-insure some or all of the risk associated with an event. Our advice will consider the assets you have available and analyse the benefits of selling these assets to lower the need for cover or keeping the asset(s) for its ability to earn an income long-term

Continuing Income
In the event of an illness, disability or death the possibility that income sources remain available to mitigate the risk of the particular event is likely. Commonly, the surviving spouse would maintain their ability to earn their full or partial income and assets such as rental properties would retain their ability to earn reliable long-term income. This is particularly true if a provision to repay debt associated with the asset has been included. These provisions help to reduce your need for cover
Disposable Assets
When analysing your need for cover in the event of an illness, disability or death the assets you have available can be utilised to self-insure some or all of the risk associated with an event. Our advice will consider the assets you have available and analyse the benefits of selling these assets to lower the need for cover or keeping the asset(s) for its ability to earn an income long-term

Continuing Income
In the event of an illness, disability or death the possibility that income sources remain available to mitigate the risk of the particular event is likely. Commonly, the surviving spouse would maintain their ability to earn their full or partial income and assets such as rental properties would retain their ability to earn reliable long-term income. This is particularly true if a provision to repay debt associated with the asset has been included. These provisions help to reduce your need for cover
Calculate your need for insurance using our Free Tool.
Information contained in this insurance calculater is of a general nature only. It does not constitute financial or taxation advice. The information does not take into account your objectives, needs and circumstances. We recommend that you obtain advice specific to your objectives, financial situation and particular needs before making any decision or acting on any of the information contained in this Quoting Software.