Financial Advice That Helps Educate Your Children!
Financial Advice That Helps Educate Your Children!

Financial Information Families Need to Know explained through a live case study!
These areas are where our team of specialists can help you when creating the lifestyle you dream of for your family!
Kate & Matt- Young Family
Matt & Kate, have two children and have dreams to renovate their home and start traveling like they use too. Importantly Kate would like to make sure her family is protected, whilst Matt has been reading the “Bear Foot Investor” and wants to start making some more money! They both are seeking Financial Advice for the first time.
Assets & Liabilities
Matt & Kate, have a home worth $980,000, joint and individual savings of $42,153, combined super of $103,500 and Matt has shares worth $12,500. Their combined home loans are $497,000, they have a car loan of $17,000 and combined credit card and personal debt of $12,000.
Download our free booklet on everything you need to about planning your child’s education!
These are the strategies we use to help save for your childs education!

Optimise How You Repay Your Loans
Stop paying additional interest to your bank and start directing this towards your child’s education!

Debt Recycling
Learn how to convert your home loan repayment into an investment and reduce tax simultaniously!

Learn How To Easily Budget
Learn how to identify, manage and track your budget easier than you ever thought possible, to turbo charge your savings!

Selecting the Right Investments
Learn how different investments can help you easily save for the education objectives you have for your children!