Retire Happy
Create the lifestyle you deserve
Retire Happy

Create the lifestyle you deserve
Learn how to optimise your ability to repay your loans via our Online Mentor Session!

Learn how to optimise your banking!
The online session explains the importance and benefits of structuring your banking to ensure that you can identify, monitor and track your progress. Your Mentor will also explain how structuring you banking can significantly reduce the interest you pay!
Whats Included
Learn how structure your banking to optimise your cashflow!
Learn the power of offset accounts and the options available.
Learn how to optimise the repayment of your loans!
The mentor will coach you on a variety of strategies we you use to optimise how you could structure your loan, the options and benefits of how you pay your loans and the benefits of refinancing in the current market.
Whats Included
Benefits of refinancing your loans.
Current interest rates on offer.
The benefits of considering how you pay your loan
The benefits of optimising how you structure your loan.

Additional Strategies to consider!
This meeting is where a formal written Statement of Advice (SoA) containing our recommendations is presented. The
document outlines your personalised strategy, product recommendations and alternative strategies that are appropriate to your situation and which will allow
you to achieve your objectives, goals and aspirations.
Whats Included
How you can convert non deductable loans to deductable debt whilst investing simultaniously.