Compare Your Insurance!

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Compare Your Insurance!

No contact information needed!

Anonymously compare your Life, TPD, Trauma OR Income Protection Quote Here!

General Advice Warning & Legal Disclaimer

Information contained in this quoting software is of a general nature only. It does not constitute personal financial or taxation advice. The information does not take into account your objectives, needs and circumstances. We recommend that you obtain advice specific to your objectives, financial situation and particular needs before making any decision or acting on any of the information contained in this Quoting Software.

What Our Insurance tool lets you compare!


Life Insurance


Total & Permanent Disability Cover (TPD)


Trauma Or Crisis Cover


Income Protection


Business Protection - Buy/Sell & Key Person

Anonymously compare your Life, TPD, Trauma OR Income Protection Quote Here!

General Advice Warning & Legal Disclaimer

Information contained in this quoting software is of a general nature only. It does not constitute personal financial or taxation advice. The information does not take into account your objectives, needs and circumstances. We recommend that you obtain advice specific to your objectives, financial situation and particular needs before making any decision or acting on any of the information contained in this Quoting Software.

What Our Insurance tool lets you compare!


Life Insurance


Total & Permanent Disability Cover (TPD)


Trauma Or Crisis Cover


Income Protection


Business Protection - Buy/Sell & Key Person

Information you need to know when selecting suitable cover!

How to Calculate Your Need for Cover

Knowing how much insurance you need, will give you the peace of mind you seek

Insurance premiums 

Learn how to structure your insurance premiums to save you thousands! 

Insurance features and Definitions

Learn how the definitions and features within a contract significantly your chances of getting paid!

Maximising the Tax Deductibility of Insurance

Strategies to protect your wealth.png
Advice to help you as your family grows.

Join our online course and learn how to select suitable Insurance cover!

Now Free

How to professional Calculate your need for cover!

The online session explains the importance of knowing what you need to consider when calculating your need for cover now and into the future. 

Without the right amount of cover, your family’s lifestyle may not be protected or you could be paying to much, so its worth while knowing!

Whats Included

Learn about how to calculate the lump sum provisions that need to be accounted for.

Learn how Provisions and offsets can help reduce your need for cover.

Learn how your attitude towards investments can lower the amount of cover you need

Learn the Impact of indexation.  


How to select the appropriate premium type!

Selecting the most appropriate premium type can be difficult. Learn about the different options available and how selecting an appropriate strategy can significantly lower the cost of your cover long-term. 

Whats Included

Learn the benefits and weakness’ of a stepped premium structure.

Learn the benefits and weakness’ of a level premium structure.

Learn about new options that are available like hybrid and term level premium structures can be of benefit.


Features & definitions you want to know about!

The mentor will demonstrate the power of selecting the right features and deffinitions and how this makes claiming in your time of need as easy as possible!

Whats Included

Life insurance & the features you want to know about.

Total and Permanent Disability cover (TPD) and features available.

Trauma insurance and how this can be one of the most beneficial tools when protecting your wealth.

Income Protection and the features and definitions that make claiming as easy, efficient and as beneficial as possible.  



Maximising the Tax deductibility of your insurance!

The mentor will coach you on selecting the right ownership structure for each type of insurance can maximise the tax deductibility of the cover you have to ultimately make you cover more affordible longterm.  

Whats Included

Strategies to increase the deductibility of the premiums paid.

Strategies to reduce the tax paid on a sucessful claim. 


Our Interact Subscription program provides you with:

Investment Opportunities & Wealth Report
Goals & Objectives Tracker
Automatic Budget Planner
One Complete View Of Your Finance
Budget Monitoring Alerts
Details Transaction Listing & Budget Report

Join our online course and learn how to select suitable Insurance cover!

Now Free

How to professional Calculate your need for cover!

The online session explains the importance of knowing what you need to consider when calculating your need for cover now and into the future. 

Without the right amount of cover, your family’s lifestyle may not be protected or you could be paying to much, so its worth while knowing!

Whats Included

Learn about how to calculate the lump sum provisions that need to be accounted for.

Learn how Provisions and offsets can help reduce your need for cover.

Learn how your attitude towards investments can lower the amount of cover you need

Learn the Impact of indexation.  


How to select the appropriate premium type!

Selecting the most appropriate premium type can be difficult. Learn about the different options available and how selecting an appropriate strategy can significantly lower the cost of your cover long-term. 

Whats Included

Learn the benefits and weakness’ of a stepped premium structure.

Learn the benefits and weakness’ of a level premium structure.

Learn about new options that are available like hybrid and term level premium structures can be of benefit.


Features & definitions you want to know about!

The mentor will demonstrate the power of selecting the right features and deffinitions and how this makes claiming in your time of need as easy as possible!

Whats Included

Life insurance & the features you want to know about.

Total and Permanent Disability cover (TPD) and features available.

Trauma insurance and how this can be one of the most beneficial tools when protecting your wealth.

Income Protection and the features and definitions that make claiming as easy, efficient and as beneficial as possible.  


Maximising the Tax deductibility of your insurance!

The mentor will coach you on selecting the right ownership structure for each type of insurance can maximise the tax deductibility of the cover you have to ultimately make you cover more affordible longterm.

Whats Included

Strategies to increase the deductibility of the premiums paid.

Strategies to reduce the tax paid on a sucessful claim. 


Interact – technology design for continued sucess!

Investment Opportunities & Wealth Report
Goals & Objectives Tracker
Automatic Budget Planner
One Complete View Of Your Finance
Budget Monitoring Alerts
Details Transaction Listing & Budget Report

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has never been this easy!