Affordable Online Financial
Mentoring for every Australian!

Learn how our Financial Mentor programs can help you before investing in a personalised plan.

Affordable Online Financial
Education for every Australian!
Learn how our Financial Mentor programs can help you before investing in a personalised plan.
Affordable financial education from a licensed financial adviser!
Affordable financial education from a licensed financial adviser!
Real Life Financial Case Studies we use to help explain concepts & Financial Strategies
Claire - First Home Buyer
Claire is 25 years of age has started her first full-time job out of Uni and is still living at home. Claire has a goal of buying her first home worth approximately $600,000 and travelling to Europe & the Amalfi Coast within the next 3 years
Assets & Liabilities
Claire has started her career in Sales & Marketing an earns an income of $65,000.00 per annum. So far she has saved $25,000, has super of $18,500 and a credit card with $1,500 owing.
Toby - Tax Minimiser
Toby loves to travel and whilst one day he plans on having a family, he’s happy to chill, play his Play Station and continue to enjoy the company of his friends on weekends.
Toby is aware that financial success is built over many years and an important aspect in accumulating wealth is trying to minimise tax to amplify the capital that can be contributed into investments!
Assets & Liabilities
Toby has made the jump to start his own IT Business in his early 30’s earning and income of $180,000. He has savings of $120,000 and superannuation of $95,000. He can afford to comfortably save $650.00 per week and is now committed to saving and establishing himself. He still has a car loan with $15,000 owing and no other borrowings.

Kate & Matt- Young Family
Matt & Kate, have two children and have dreams to renovate their home and start traveling like they use too. Importantly Kate would like to make sure her family is protected, whilst Matt has been reading the “Bear Foot Investor” and wants to start making some more money! They both are seeking Financial Advice for the first time.
Assets & Liabilities
Matt earns an income of $95,000 as chippy & Kate earns $62,500 as a nurse, they have a home worth $980,000, joint and individual savings of $42,153, combined super of $103,500 and Matt has shares worth $12,500. Their combined home loans are $497,000, they have a car loan of $17,000 and combined credit card and personal debt of $12,000.
Bob & Jill - Enjoying Life
Bob & Jill have raised two boys who are now 21 & 24 and are becoming more independent. Bob and Jill have a holiday home in Rye and nice home in Melbourne’s inner east.
Bob and Jill live comfortably but are becoming increasing concerned about their ability to afford their lifestyle long term particularly when Jill retires from teaching which is now their main source of income.
Bob and Jill would also like to help their two sons establish themselves in the property market.
Assets & Liabilities
Jill earns an income of $110,000 as a senior teacher and Bob is winding down in his career earning $60,000. Their home is worth $1.4 million and their holiday home is worth $750,000. Jill has $140,000 in super and Bob $350,000. They have minimal savings and have a loan of $250,000 to repay before they retire.

The Real Life Case Studies we use to help explain concepts & Financial Strategies

Claire - First Home Buyer
Claire is 25 years of age has started her first full-time job out of Uni and is still living at home. Claire has a goal of buying her first home and travelling Europe & the Amalfi Coast.
Assets & Liabilities
Claire has started her career in Sales & Marketing an earns an income of $65,000.00 per annum. So far she has saved $25,000, has super of $18,500 and a credit card with $1,500 owing.

Toby - Tax Minimiser
Toby loves to travel and whilst one day he plans on having a family, he’s happy to chill, play his Play Station and continue to enjoy the company of his friends on weekends.
Toby is aware that financial success is built over many years and an important aspect in accumulating wealth is trying to minimise tax to amplify the capital that can be contributed into investments!
Assets & Liabilities
Toby has made the jump to start his own IT Business in his early 30’s earning and income of $180,000. He has savings of $120,000 and superannuation of $95,000. He can afford to comfortably save $650.00 per week and is now committed to saving and establishing himself. He still has a car loan with $15,000 owing and no other borrowings.
Kate & Matt- Young Family
Matt & Kate, have two children and have dreams to renovate their home and start traveling like they use too. Importantly Kate would like to make sure her family is protected, whilst Matt has been reading the “Bear Foot Investor” and wants to start making some more money! They both are seeking Financial Advice for the first time.
Assets & Liabilities
Matt & Kate, have a home worth $980,000, joint and individual savings of $42,153, combined super of $103,500 and Matt has shares worth $12,500. Their combined home loans are $497,00, they have a car loan of $17,000 and combined credit card and personal debt of $12,000.

Bob & Jill - Enjoying Life
Bob & Jill have raised two boys who are now 21 & 24 and are becoming more independent. Bob and Jill have a holiday home in Rye and a nice home in Melbourne’s inner east.
Bob and Jill live comfortably but are becoming increasingly concerned about their ability to afford their lifestyle long term particularly when Jill retires from teaching which is now their main source of income.
Bob and Jill would also like to help their two sons establish themselves in the property market.
Assets & Liabilities
Jill earns an income of $110,000 as a senior teacher and Bob is winding down in his career earning $60,000. Their home is worth $1.8 million and their holiday home is worth $850,000. Jill has $140,000 in super and Bob $350,000. The have minimal savings and have a loan of $250,000 to repay before they retire.

We also provide targeted Mentor Sessions!

Our selective mentor and coaching programs can educate you on budgeting, structuring your loans, superannuation, SMSF’s, estate planning, gearing and debt recycling. Our aim is to give you the best chance of hitting your goals!
We also provide targeted Mentor Sessions!

Our selective mentor and coaching programs can educate you on budgeting, structuring your loans, superannuation, SMSF’s, estate planning, gearing and debt recycling. Our aim is to give you the best chance of hitting your goals!
Technology designed to help at every step of your journey
Ongoing financial coaching & help in a web app!
Financial Advice has never been this easy!

Compare your Life, TPD, Trauma & Income Protection
No contact information needed!

Our Interact Subscription program provides you with:

Investment Opportunities & Wealth Report
Goals & Objectives Tracker
Automatic Budget Planner
One Complete View Of Your Finance
Budget Monitoring Alerts
Details Transaction Listing & Budget Report
Our Interact Subscription program provides you with:

Investment Opportunities & Wealth Report
Goals & Objectives Tracker
Automatic Budget Planner

One Complete View Of Your Finance
Budget Monitoring Alerts
Details Transaction Listing & Budget Report
Compare Your Life, TPD, Trauma & income Protection

NO contact information needed!
Get a loan which suits you at an even better rate with RSM Lending!
RSM Financial works closely with RSM Lending to make sure our clients receive the best financial strategies to reduce their debt and through RSM Lending we make sure our customers get a suitable solution at an even better rate!
It’s all apart of our service to make sure you will become a life long client!
Seeking Mortgage Advice has never been this easy!

Get a loan which suits you at an even better rate with RSM Lending!

RSM Financial works closely with RSM Lending to make sure our clients receive suitable financial strategies to reduce their debt and through RSM Lending we make sure our customers get a suitable solution at an even better rate!
It’s all apart of our service to make sure you will become a life long client!
Seeking Mortgage Advice has never been this easy!
We Make Advice Simple by using our Building Block Methodology
Achieving the most desirable results for our clients involves RSM Financials process to delivering advice and our four advice “building blocks”. Segmenting our advice into four key “building blocks” helps to break down our strategies and methodology into easy to understand financial concept modules.
The “building block” methodology helps to articulate why each aspect of your finance is of high importance when developing your financial security and plan.
Ultimately, our “building block” method will simplify, articulate and create an understanding which promotes confidence and trust, all of which are integral to our advice creating a comprehensive strategy to meet your financial objectives, goals and aspirations!

Stage 1. Cash Flow Management
Cash Flow planning at its core allows both you and your adviser to understand what you earn, how you earn it; what you spend, and how it is spent. It is our first building block to achieving financial security and knowing what strategies our advice can afford to undertake!

Stage 2. Wealth Protection
Protecting your wealth means ensuring the right strategies, mechanisms and assets are available at your time of need. This ‘financial building block’ seeks to deliver the peace of mind that your legacy and family will be financially protected.

Stage 3. Wealth Creation
Wealth Creation is about designing and automating a multitude of interlinking strategies which aim to control, structure and optimise your ability to create wealth.

Stage 4. Retirement Planning
This “building block” considers your cash flow needs, financial protection strategy, and what wealth you have created and establishes a strategy that allows for your version of retirement.