Financial Advice
That Helps You Pay off Your Loans!
Learn how to structure your loans and what features you should have available to make repaying your loan easy!
Financial Mentoring
That Helps You Pay off Your Loans!

Learn how to structure your loans and what features you should have available to make repaying your loan easy!
Learn to optimise your ability to repay your loans!
Only $49.95

Learn how to optimise your banking!
The online session explains the importance and benefits of structuring your banking to ensure that you can identify, monitor and track your progress. Your Mentor will also explain how structuring you banking can significantly reduce the interest you pay!
Whats Included
Learn how structure your banking to optimise your cashflow!
Learn the power of offset accounts and the options available.
Learn how to optimise the repayment of your loans!
The mentor will coach you on a variety of strategies we you use to optimise how you could structure your loan, the options and benefits of how you pay your loans and the benefits of refinancing in the current market.
Whats Included
Benefits of refinancing your loans.
Current interest rates on offer.
The benefits of considering how you pay your loan
The benefits of optimising how you structure your loan.

Additional Strategies to consider!
The online mentor will discuss the power of considering additional strategies like investing and improving your tax effectiveness on how you save on an ongoing basis.
Whats Included
How you can convert non deductable loans to deductable debt whilst investing simultaniously.
Learn to optimise your ability to repay your loans!
Only $49.95

Learn how to optimise your banking!
The online session explains the importance and benefits of structuring your banking to ensure that you can identify, monitor and track your progress. Your Mentor will also explain how structuring you banking can significantly reduce the interest you pay!
Whats Included
Learn how structure your banking to optimise your cashflow!
Learn the power of offset accounts and the options available.

Learn how to optimise the repayment of your loans!
The mentor will coach you on a variety of strategies we you use to optimise how you could structure your loan, the options and benefits of how you pay your loans and the benefits of refinancing in the current market.
Whats Included
Benefits of refinancing your loans.
Current interest rates on offer.
The benefits of considering how you pay your loan
The benefits of optimising how you structure your loan.

Additional Strategies to consider!
The online mentor will discuss the power of considering additional strategies like investing and improving your tax effectiveness on how you save on an ongoing basis.
Whats Included
How you can convert non deductable loans to deductable debt whilst investing simultaniously.
Only $49.95
Financial Information You Need to Know to reduce your debt ASAP!

Advice on on Tax Effective Strategies
Learn how to invest and reduce your tax at the same time

Structure Your Debt Properly
Learn how to structure your debt and repay your debt efficiently

Debt Recycling
Learn how to pay off your mortgage and invest at the same time

Offset Account
Learn how offset accounts can help you reduce interest and guarantee access to your money when you need it!

A team committed to delivering profitable investments
Our team uses independent research to build and tailor a portfolio for you!

Tailoring the right investment strategy for you.
Our advice can provide you with investments that you understand and will be comfortable with!

Access Direct Comercial Property investments
We help find investments in direct property with fixed lease agreements with 6.5%+ net of cost

Cashflow Management & budgeting!
Learn how you can improve how you manage cash to save interest and to help you budget, all of which will help you repay your home loan!
Learn how financial advice benefited our real life case study!
Kate & Matt - Young Family
Matt & Kate, have two children and have dreams to renovate their home and start traveling like they use too. Importantly Kate would like to make sure her family is protected, whilst Matt has been reading the “Bear Foot Investor” and wants to start making some more money! They both are seeking Financial Advice for the first time.
Assets & Liabilities
Matt & Kate, have a home worth $980,000, joint and individual savings of $42,153, combined super of $103,500 and Matt has shares worth $12,500. Their combined home loans are $497,000, they have a car loan of $17,000 and combined credit card and personal debt of $12,000.
Learn how financial advice benefited our real life case study!
Kate & Matt - Young Family
Matt & Kate, have two children and have dreams to renovate their home and start traveling like they use too. Importantly Kate would like to make sure her family is protected, whilst Matt has been reading the “Bear Foot Investor” and wants to start making some more money! They both are seeking Financial Advice for the first time.
Assets & Liabilities
Matt & Kate, have a home worth $980,000, joint and individual savings of $42,153, combined super of $103,500 and Matt has shares worth $12,500. Their combined home loans are $497,000, they have a car loan of $17,000 and combined credit card and personal debt of $12,000.
To Calculate your total Loan Repayments
By clicking the bellow button you will enter the RSM Lending website which is subject to different terms and conditions. RSM Lending operates under a different Australian Financial Services Licence.
Find a loan which suits you at an even better rate with RSM Lending!
Fintor works closely with RSM Lending to make sure our clients receive the best financial strategies to reduce their debt.

Find a loan which suits you at an even better rate with RSM Lending!

Fintor works closely with RSM Lending to make sure our clients receive suitable financial strategies to reduce their debt. Through RSM Lending we make sure our customers get a suitable solution at an even better rate!
Calculate Your Borrowing Power
By clicking the bellow button you will enter the RSM Lending website which is subject to different terms and conditions. RSM Lending operates under a different Australian Financial Services Licence.

Technology designed to help at every step of your journey
Ongoing financial coaching & help in a web app!
Financial Advice has never been this easy!

Compare your Life, TPD, Trauma & Income Protection
No contact information needed!

Comparison Rate Calculator
Compare how much interest you could save by clicking the bellow button. This link will take you to the RSM Lending website which is subject to different terms and conditions. RSM Lending operates under a different Australian Financial Services Licence.

For More information and a Financial Case study
Interact – technology design for continued sucess!

Investment Opportunities & Wealth Report
Goals & Objectives Tracker
Automatic Budget Planner
One Complete View Of Your Finance
Budget Monitoring Alerts
Details Transaction Listing & Budget Report
Interact – technology designed for continued success!

Investment Opportunities & Wealth Report

Goals & Objectives Tracker

Automatic Budget Planner

One Complete View Of Your Finance

Budget Monitoring Alerts