Affordable Online Financial
Education for every Australian!

Learn how our online financial education programs can help you before investing in a personalised plan.

Affordable Online Financial
Education for every Australian!

Learn how our online financial education programs can help you before investing in a personalised plan.

Fundamentals to creating a Budget

Learn how to budget effectively by gaining the knowledge of knowing how to automate and structure your banking!  

Only $29.95

Selecting Suitable Insurance Cover

Learn what features and definitions will help you save thousands of dollars in premiums but most importantly make claiming easy and more accessible! 

Only $29.95

Maximising Superannuation

Learn how super can become your most valuable asset in creating wealth. Learn how to increase your ability to save by using the most tax effective structure available to Australians 

Only $29.95


Learn how to make your transition into retirement easy and as stress free as possible! 

Only $99.95

Self Managed

Empower your super with the ability to buy any asset you believe will help better your retirement and learn how to automate the compliance and administration!


Only $99.95



Empower and protect your family with the knowledge that will enable the most optimal protection Australian law allows for when protecting against divorce and relationship breakdowns!


Only $49.95

Optimise Your Ability to Repay Your Loans

Learn how to transform your loans from a liability into an Asset! Our coaching will also show you what is possible when structuring your loans and the most effective ways of saving interest.

Only $49.95

Investment Concepts Gearing & Debt Recycling

Empower yourself with the knowledge of how Gearing can actually reduce your risk when investing!

Our coaching will demonstrate how you can pay off your personal loans and invest in your future simultaneously!


Only $99.95

We also provide an in-depth view into how advice help people at four different life stages!

Our four real life financial cases studies provide an in-depth view into how financial advice truly benefited benefited our client in different life stages!

The case studies cover the advice that was provided and how our cash flow management, wealth protection, wealth creation and retirement planning building blocks all combined to reach their goals, objectives and aspirations!  

We also provide an in-depth view into how advice help people at four different life stages!

 Our four real life financial cases studies provide an in-depth view into how financial advice truly benefited benefited our client in different life stages!

The case studies cover the advice that was provided and how our cash flow management, wealth protection, wealth creation and retirement planning building blocks all combined to reach their goals, objectives and aspirations!  

Compare Your Life Insurance with NO Contact information needed!


Comparing Your Life Insurance has never been this easy!

Compare Your Life Insurance with NO Contact information needed!

Comparing Your Life Insurance has never been this easy!

Get a loan which suits you at an even better rate with RSM Lending!

Fintor works closely with RSM Lending to make sure our clients receive the best financial strategies to reduce their debt and through RSM Lending we make sure our customers get a suitable solution at an even better rate!

It’s all apart of our service to make sure you will become a life long client!

Seeking Mortgage Advice has never been this easy!

Get a loan which suits you at an even better rate with RSM Lending!

Fintor works closely with RSM Lending to make sure our clients receive suitable financial strategies to reduce their debt and through RSM Lending we make sure our customers get a suitable solution at an even better rate!

It’s all apart of our service to make sure you will become a life long client!

Seeking Mortgage Advice has never been this easy!

Interact- With Your Financial Future!

Your investment into our Interact Financial Knowledge Centre is only

$45 Per Month


One complete view of your Finance


Goals & Objectives Tracker


Live Detailed Transaction Report Across all bank accounts


Automatic Budget Tracker


Weekly Investment Insights & Opportunities


Our Professionally Managed Active & ETF Portfolio's


Access to two mentor programs per month


45 minutes of Complimentary Adviser OR Admin Support per annum!

We Make Advice Simple by using our Building Block Methodology

Achieving the most desirable results for our clients involves RSM Financials process to delivering advice and our four advice “building blocks”. Segmenting our advice into four key “building blocks” helps to break down our strategies and methodology into easy to understand financial concept modules.

The “building block” methodology helps to articulate why each aspect of your finance is of high importance when developing your financial security and plan.

Ultimately, our “building block” method will simplify, articulate and create an understanding which promotes confidence and trust, all of which are integral to our advice creating a comprehensive strategy to meet your financial objectives, goals and aspirations!

Stage 1. Cash Flow Management

Cash Flow planning at its core allows both you and your adviser to understand what you earn, how you earn it; what you spend, and how it is spent. It is our first building block to achieving financial security and knowing what strategies our advice can afford to undertake!

Stage 2. Wealth Protection

Protecting your wealth means ensuring the right strategies, mechanisms and assets are available at your time of need. This ‘financial building block’ seeks to deliver the peace of mind that your legacy and family will be financially protected.

Stage 3. Wealth Creation

Wealth Creation is about designing and automating a multitude of interlinking strategies which aim to control, structure and optimise your ability to create wealth.

Stage 4. Retirement Planning

This “building block” considers your cash flow needs, financial protection strategy, and what wealth you have created and establishes a strategy that allows for your version of retirement.